Indrans is a Malayalam film actor and costume designer, working mainly in comedy roles He has appeared in over 250 films Indrans, a tailor by profession, debuted in the film Choothattam both as a costume designer and as an actor The producer, TMN Charley, offered him a chance to assist in costume designing Although he had the opportunity to meet many filmmakers, includingNov 28, · Jack N Jill is an upcoming Malayalam movie It is produced by Gokulam Movies The movie release date will be during mid21 Currently, the movie is in the preproduction stage The movie is directed by Santosh Sivan It belongs to a SciFi thriller genre Jack N Jill Movie Story The plot is about the totallySantosh Sivan, who is gearing up for the release of his forthcoming movie Jack N Jill, talked about the upcomer in a recent interview with an online portal He said that the movie would be a multigenre film with a fun and whimsical storyline He further revealed that he discussed the idea of the upcomer with his fri...